Time to Give Back

“Time to Give Back”… We all can contribute at least for self satisfaction. Our life’s minimum 20 years we owe to others because from our birth till we turn 20 we learn various things from schools, colleges, teachers and mentors. So we should never forget that whatever we are today is just because of the contribution in our life by all these people.

It was a chilling evening (9PM) of 24the Jan’16 when I received a call from a headmaster of a government middle situated in a village named Keharpura, near Pilani town in Rajasthan. His name is Sevaram, according to his name he is also a great human being and always believe in human “Seva”. He heard about our initiative “Yugaandhar” from someone and requested us to help the students of the same school. Most of the students of the school was not having enough winter wears (woolens) and the temperature at that time was around 2 degree Celsius.

As soon as I heard that, I decided to help the students and next day early morning (25th Jan) I took the count of the students from Sevaram sir and decided to buy sweaters, gloves, caps for all 70 students. Same day Sir has requested us to distribute the woolens on 26th Jan because it our Republic Day and he wanted to spread happiness on the occasion of Republic Day. We agreed to that but then he again requested to reach by 9AM at the school as the flag hosting was planned at 9AM.

On 26th Jan, I woke up around 4AM to reach at the school on time because we need to travel almost 200 kms from Gurugram, Haryana to Pilani. I asked couple of my friends to join with us as well, one of them ie a renowned doctor at Medanta Hospital in Gurugram, he agreed to accompany me. As soon as we started we realized that on road there is zero visibility and we had to face dense fog. Now since we committed to teachers and students we decided to move ahead with the plan and traveled 200 kms in zero visibility, luckily traffic was very low on the road so we almost reached on time.

The program started with flag hosting and some cultural activities by students followed by sweets distribution which we were carrying with us. Soon after that we distributed woolens to all the students along with the support staff of the school. Believe me I never seen such happy faces in my life which I witnessed on that day. After all the activities the Doctor from Medanta has decided to do the health checkup of the villagers and examined ~200 plus villagers.

by that time few villagers came to us and offered lunch, it was a delicious pure “Desi” lunch and we thoroughly enjoyed the food.

We left the village at 4PM and reached back to home at 8PM. It was altogether a different and great experience for all of us and we learned to be happy in all situations. It was a best Republic Day celebration of my life.

A big thanks to all the volunteers of “Yugaandhar” for their contribution towards our initiatives.

“Keep Serving the Society”


Categories Motivation

Post Author: NavdeepSingh

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