Let’s Pledge for Road Safety
“I Support the Decade of Action for Road Safety”
As A Road User, I Pledge:
1. Not to Use Mobile Phone While Driving.
2. Not to Drive Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs.
3. To Always Wear Seat-belt While Driving.
4. To Always Observe Road Laws, Rules and Regulations.
5. Not to Involve in Road Rage.
6. To Always Give Respect to Other Road Users and Pedestrians.
7. To Always Maintain My Vehicle in Good Condition.
8. To Always Drive at A Safe Speed and Under Speed Limits.
9. To Always Wear A Helmet While Riding A Two Wheeler.
10. To Always Help Accident Victims.
11. To Always Follow Traffic Signals.
12. To Always Give Space to Emergency Vehicles.
13. Not to Drive On Wrong Side.
14. To Be Licensed and Trained For The Vehicle I drive.
15. To Always Insist Others to Follow Traffic Rules.
****Jai Hind***
I Pledge.
I Also Pledge
I Am Also In, I Pledge
I Pledge
I also commit and of course all those who wish good for self & others too.